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Nous croyons que l’art des enfants est le plus important état de construction de la créativité. Et l’appreciation les dessins des enfants est la meilleure façon de les soutenir. Avec plaisir et amour, nous transformons les dessins de vos enfants aux bijoux uniques et pourraient être utilisé quotidiennement. Parce que nous savons que le bonheur et la fierté des enfants et de nos clients.

A perfect way to keepsake of your child’s creativity…

We are two artist moms, Yasemin Erdin Tavukçu (painter & children art educator) and Özgür Karavit (sculptor & goldsmith). We believe that the children drawings are the primal building stone of the children’s creativity. The best way to support their creativity is to love, respect and give importance to their art.

From that perspective, the idea of transforming the children art into timeless, precious memories was born of our desire to keep the first drawings of our kids and support them.

After Özgür’s perfectly made brooch from the bull drawing of her son, we started to transform the children art into silver jewelries. We aimed to show the children that their art is so precious and unique.

We founded “Tasarim Takarim”, an Istanbul based brand. And at our boutique atelier, now we are working four artists together as a team. We are working passionately for the perfect keepsakes of children’s creativity. We are transforming the children’s drawings into silver, wearable art objects.

Our brand has been internationally recognized and has repeatedly caught the attention of the international press and social media such as Professional Jeweller, The Hufflington Post, The Oprah Magazine, Bored Panda, Marie Claire, The Colosal…

We are applying the kids drawings into unique and precious jewelries all over the world. We work with more love and joy everyday. Because we know the proud and the happiness of wearing a jewelry designed by kids.

Sculptor & Goldsmith
Özgür Karavit
Sculptor & Goldsmith
Painter & Art Educator
Yasemin Erdin Tavukçu
Painter & Art Educator
Sculptor & Designer
Ersin Tavukcu
Sculptor & Designer
Erdem Karavit
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